Jacques Ellul
Ellul on Christian Realism
Christians must approach every political and social situation individually, from the perspective of their place in God's Kingdom, because Christianity cannot be reduced to mere principles or doctrine.
Jacques Ellul
Christians must approach every political and social situation individually, from the perspective of their place in God's Kingdom, because Christianity cannot be reduced to mere principles or doctrine.
Jacques Ellul
What is the right way to live when you know how your story ends?
Jacques Ellul
Christians belong to two cities. What can it mean when one tries to take that truism seriously?
Jacques Ellul
Christians exist in a state of permanent revolution, not against the government but against the world.
Jacques Ellul
Jacques Ellul defines the revolutionary spirit and says that facts are not true.
Jacques Ellul
Political debates, Jacques Ellul wrote, are always about power, never about change. The appearance of movement and development are illusions.
Jacques Ellul
People always think they are living in the end times. They're right.
Jacques Ellul
Wrapping up Chapter 1 of Presence: Where God's will and the world's will collide.
Jacques Ellul
Ellul says that Christians are called to "redeem the time" through both action and words, which are inseparable.
Jacques Ellul
Jacques Ellul offers "thoughts and prayers" for Christians seeking to preserve the world.
Jacques Ellul
A summary so far; what ethics are for; the problem with being nice.
Jacques Ellul
We try to resolve the tension of living in a sinful world by creating systems of morality to try and improve the situation. But the world can't be made less sinful by us, and Christianity is not morality.