"The Lord knows our human thoughts, how like a puff of wind they are." (Psalms 94:11)
If there's an original sin, it's probably certainty. We want to feel certain about things, or failing that, we want other people to seem certain about things, so that we know who to follow.
But there are few things about which we can ever be certain, and the more we convince ourselves that we're right about something, the more certain we become that other people are wrong – and historically, this has just never worked out for anybody.
I mean, admit it: you've been wrong a lot in your life. Like, a lot. You're probably wrong about lots of things right now. And there are certain cherished beliefs you currently hold about which you will definitely change your mind someday, just as you've changed your mind about important things in the past. (I'm assuming – and it's a fair assumption, since you're reading this – that you actually have a mind that you know how to use.)
Anyway, this place is my own little safe space where I consider things like the uncertainties of faith, the failure of human will, the teachings of Kierkegaard and Jacques Ellul and similar thinkers – and explore how such things can be applied in this insane timeline in which we find ourselves. (There has never been, by the way, a sane timeline, and never will be, not in this temporal sphere.)
Who Am I?

I'm a man who shares his life with a wonderful husband and two lively, lovely dogs. I survived a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, but the experience has had lasting implications – physical, mental, spiritual. I'm a Christian, and a sinner, and active in my local Episcopal parish. I write when I'm able, fiction and non. And I read, though never as much as I'd like, and one day I may have to admit to myself that buying books and reading them are not necessarily related activities.
Some Notes
I am not planning at the moment to launch a paid tier. (This does not mean it will never happen, but if it does, I will try to remember to change this paragraph.) Please share items you find here of interest on whatever platforms you choose to spend your time, with whomever you'd like.
Note that some links here might turn out to be affiliate links. Feel free to open a new browser and search for whatever item is linked, I won't be offended.