If Your Religion Teaches the Obvious, Then It's Not Much of a Religion
If your version of Christianity calls us to act only in obvious ways that align with human instincts, then what would be the point of following it?
If your version of Christianity calls us to act only in obvious ways that align with human instincts, then what would be the point of following it?
Thoughts on the New Year and Kierkegaard's "The Expectancy of Faith."
It's the connection that matters, not random conversations. Must we turn literally everything into a business model?
What Rowan Williams said about keeping a "Christian Christmas" (since the two, in our culture, are usually not related).
Jacques Ellul
"We can no longer communicate with one another because our neighbors have ceased to be real to us." In 1948!
Jacques Ellul
Thinkers in all fields have become constrained by a need to produce practical results, and they do so by using technique -- or is it technique that uses them?
Ugh, I didn't want to write about the election, but this is sort of about it, except mostly about love and Kierkegaard and choosing to do the impossible.
Faith, culture, Kierkegaard, Ellul, occasional snark, etc. "The Lord knows our human thoughts, how like a puff of wind they are." (Psalms 94:11) You must confirm your subscription by clicking the link sent to your email!
Wrestling with the Great Dane.
Intellectuals either accept the prevailing myths (which they know are false) for the sake of their careers, or else decide: "LOL nothing matters." It's the same thing.
Re-enchanting the world so they can rule it.
After another long break, back to Ellul's Presence: What is a Christian intellectual, and what is his or her function in a world hidden in a fog of unreality?
One last poem for poetry month. It's the architect's fault.
We seek solace, we get silence.
I don't remember dog-earing this poem or which emotional reaction caused me to do so.
One thing does not exist: Oblivion.
It's Poetry Month, according to somebody, somewhere.
Our actual experiences are boring. So we fixate on the thousands of sensational images and interesting "facts" that bombard us each day. Then we create an explanatory myth and live inside a permanent, realistic (but completely unreal) dream. Welcome to Chapter 4, "Communications."
Jessica Martin compares reading the Bible to a relationship with a spouse. What if it's even more intimate than that?
True action is a matter of living, not of doing, and that is the revolutionary attitude Christians should take in the world.